
Monday, June 25, 2018

Worst rains since 2005 bring Mumbai floods

Image result for mumbai floods 2005
My mind flashes back to this morning (in greyscale, quite literally). I love my rain washed city. In a positive frame of mind and determined to enjoy this weather while it lasts, I get an auto rickshaw to the station... after a long wait of course. The cool misty breeze gives me my favourite wind swept hair!
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I don't know it yet, but this perfect weather to snuggle is about to turn into quite the struggle. Having been born and brought up in this city of dreams which turns any princess into a real life queen, I am prepared for this day. I wait at Andheri station for the train to arrive.
Oh, it's here and it's bang on time; how did that happen? I wonder. I enter the rain soaked compartment and settle in comfortably, for what looks like a long journey ahead. While I'm wondering, the mind is wandering. I am listening, sneezing, reading but also patiently waiting for the train to move. 25 minutes and some scary WhatsApp messages later, I hear an announcement that declares that the tracks are filled with water so the train can't move. I still wait. Why? Because I have faith. And yes, it finally moves. Hallelujah!
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I hear the wheels of the train cutting through the water on the tracks, one stop after the other. Two stations and a few more messages later, the train stalls on its way to the third. I find myself waiting again, alone on the train, caught between two stations.
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Then comes the highlight of the day. The driver decides to leave the train stranded in the middle of nowhere, only to board another train and reach his destination. Sigh!

So much for the love of his city and his people?!
Image result for mumbai floods 2005
Now what about the 1000 other people who are in the train? How will they get out? In the middle of two stations, on the railway tracks, heavy rains, we are in a driver less train! Life is actually very filmy, haan!

A little khus-pus here and there was followed by a young boy shouting and convincing us to get off the train and help ourselves.

No, no, no. I cannot jump onto the tracks. Soon, people start to de-train... like deplane?
One person after the other is being helped by a couple of good Samaritans. My mind is racing. Should I go or wait? I don't want to be left alone.

Image result for mumbai floods 2005
The casual confidence and strength was soon overtaken by fear. Saari, soch pe paani phir gaya! But my heart said, GO! So with an umbrella and two bags in tow, heart thumping hard, I jump off the train.

There is a line of people on the tracks, all together yet alone on their way to the station. What an unusual and totally unadvisable way to reach the station- walking up the rocky, potty, rain filled tracks. I finally see what an open shauchalya looks like! Ewww...

This is the reality content you will only find on a channel called 'Life.'

So on that note, here are some suggestions from my experience:

1. Do not and I repeat, do not believe rumours. Messages, photos and videos from 2005 are being circulated. This messes with your already messed up mind. If you hear or see something, check with a reliable source. If true or otherwise, please share your experience. Only share what you have personally verified.
2. Please ensure your phone is sufficiently charged when leaving home. It is not only your companion when you are stuck but also the only mode of communication for your loved ones to reach you.

3. Definitely keep a family member and a friend informed about your whereabouts at every step. You don't know when and how this piece of information can come handy.

4. Keep some snacks and water with you at all times. This will be a blessing in your hour of need or your neighbour's.
5. Some patience (or maybe a lot of it) and presence of mind. Please be aware of your surroundings. Help others but help yourself first.

6. Do not panic. Self-panic is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Instead, take a moment, breathe, think and turn negative into positive.
7. Lastly, listen to your mother! In times like these when all hell breaks loose, you will remember nothing but her words. When she says take extra pair of clothes, take them. When she says check the status of trains, check them. When she says don't go to work, don't go. Just don't tell your boss I said that. '

To everyone in my city, take care. Remember it's not just you; even Ganeshji is going to be neck deep in water today. Nothing can break us; nothing can shake us when the Lord himself is with us.


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